The Full Story
Here is a breakdown of travel. Please contact us prior to booking.
Travel from Houston to Bocas can be guided depending on dates.
Flights out of Corpus or Houston on United Airlines are running $600-700 round trip as of December 4th! Book now!
United & American & Spirit
First Flight: Corpus or Houston(HOU) to Panama City (PTY)
2nd Flight: Panama City to Bocas Del Toro (AirPanama.com $300 roundtrip)
You want the arrival in PTY to be before 4pm.
United & Southwest
San Antonio (SAT) to San Jose (SJO) $500 - 650
Flying into Panama City, Panama OR San Jose, Costa Rica
Connecting Shuttle RoundTrip is $160 and is about a 10 hour shuttle experiencing Costa Rica, the coast, and walking across the border to Panama.
**Check your passport and make sure your passport is good for at least 6 months.
Things to look out for:
Arrival and Departure Times
Length Of Layovers
Correct Airport Codes:
PTY Panama City
SJO San Jose, Costa Rica
Passport Expirations