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Check Dates & Times:


Friday 3-5pm Zoom 

6:30 Hot Yoga at Nueces


6:30 - 10am Studio Be or Beach

10:30 - Noon Bubbles & Flow 


6:30am - 11:30am Studio Be

1-5pm Studio Be

1st Weekend:

October 4th - 6th

3-5pm Friday Zoom or Nueces Brewery

5:30pm - 8pm

6:30-8 Hot Yoga 

  • Social Media & YouTube

  • Zoom Introduction 

  • Schedules & Program

  • Expectations 

  • Ayurvedic Health Program Schedule

6:30am - 10am Studio Be

  • Introductions

  • History of Yoga

  • Sound 

10:30am Bubbles & Flow


Sunday Studio Be

  • 6:30am - 1130am

  • Deep Dive Share

  • History of our Yogic Lineage & Yoga 

  • Types of Yoga

Noon Break 

1-5pm Asana - Asana - Asana 


Retreat Policies & Information:

Frio is required

Panama is not.

South Padre Island is not.

Oklahoma is not.

If you are choosing to attend any of the other retreats:

Pay $500 for shared accommodation

Bring a guest and they pay the $500 and you share with them

Bring additional clients you get 10% payment per client


How do you get your client to invest in their future and you?

You are teaching, leading and sharing your training and investment at the retreat

Point them to the website:


Deposits & Cancellations:

To hold their space they must place a deposit $300. 10 days prior they pay in full.

Requirements of Homework during training:

  • After every weekend a synopsis of the weekend is required. You want to record yourself reflecting on your weekend. You can add in yoga poses or a recording of a yoga practice. If you are uploading just a Asana video then you want to type in the desciption of the video a short summary. See YouTube Video Instruction below for how to upload a youtube video.

  • Video Link

  • Password: y8^*FQ63

  • Post your reflection here:

  • You want to attend at least two yoga classes per week till March 2025.

  • You want to log feedback for two classes every week and keep those in your binders.

Upon entering graduation you will be able to obtain your two hour certification:

200 Hour Hatha Yoga Certification Testing:

There will be a final theory and practical exam. The practical will occur in the Frio Retreat. The theoretical exam will be at Akasha after the frio retreat. Dates depending.


Documents for Feedback Help

Divine Global People

Yoga Teacher Training 2024-2025

100 Hour Asana

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hour Retreat Training

Corpus Christi, Texas


Our mission is to provide a rigorous training of movement with the key elements for excellency required in teaching a safe and skilled yoga class.

What does it mean to be 200 hour certified?

The literal meaning is that you have trained for 200 hours with experienced trainers who have taught yoga for 10+ years and have logged over over 8,000 hours in teaching classes.

Introductions of Yoga:

We want our students to have a full circle understanding of what yoga is and signifies through many different philosophies. This course will be going over these aspects of history and current ever changing knowledge of how the practice is taught effectively in this ever changing world.


·       To understand the basics of the history of Hatha Yoga

·       To gain exposure to the rich philosophical heritage of yoga practice

·       To begin to apply the principles of Hatha Yoga & Asana

Here is some information about our lineage:

Yoga-Yoga - Hatha Yoga Teacher Training - Austin, Texas

Established in 1996

Guru Karam Benton & Mehtab Benton

"Teaching yoga is more than a profession. It is a passion, a calling, an awakening to your own deep potentials and possibilities. As you learn to teach yoga, you will learn more about yourself, much more than you thought possible. You will discover the truly great and lifelong gift that yoga has to offer everyone and you will learn to share that gift with others."

Yoga Yoga, one of Austin's best-known studios, is shutting down (

Writings from Travis Burns – one of our partners and creators at Divine Global People.

“Spring Equinox 2013


Last nite we filled this building with higher vibrations.  We chanted and played that primal and cosmic rhythm that flows trough us all. 


Hare Om


How did I find my way onto the path; the path of Yoga, the way of the Earth, the way of the moons and the stars?  It is in me.  It was awakened in me by everything around me.  Because of who I am I have found it.  I did not find it because I was looking for it.  It came to me and permeated my life.  It is beyond me.  It is not due to my efforts that I have come thus far.  I have been led to where I am today, as a child follows his father on a path through the woods.  The Elder always just rounding the next gentle or sharp turn through the trees and under growth as the child amazes at the sights smells and sensations of the forest around him.  The child never stops following, it is who the child is.  The child is a traveler on the path.  The child will one day be, or perhaps already is, the Elder; the leader of a child through the forest. 

So I find myself in the woods, being led down a beautiful path lined with the most exotic flowers and herbs.  Smells that intoxicate and lure us away from walking.  The path is narrow, and the footsteps I follow are always in an ears reach.


Life is one big road with lots of signs.  What a wild ride I find myself on.  I feel bombarded on all sides; hit by desire, satisfaction, movement and decay, struggle and victory.  Knowledge keeps flowing and the world around my, my life and who I seem to be just keep blooming. 

I have carried myself in unorthodox ways.  As far as the norm of western orthodoxy and society goes.  I find myself now leading such a large movement that will bring so much light and life into many lives.  I am diving head first into it.  I have hesitated up until now.  I will run with the same heart led reckless abandon that leads the mystic experience.  Be here now.  Wow.  It IS so simple.  It is So close.  I taste it on the smoke.

I have missed my target before, sure.  It is all so easy for me now.  I can be here and everywhere I need to be all at once.  Through the struggle I have become pure as gold.  Yet I am still molten for the fire is raging and is yet to rage on.  I mix and flow with all that the fire turns into molten liquid.  I am the gold.  Flowing through it all, dancing with every single particle and impurity, yet always flowing onward, pure.  Rage on Fire.  Consume your fuel and let us dance in your heat.  Go to what calls you.  God is in everything everything.  Or I may say that there is a rhythm in everything.  Either that or disharmony.  Harmony or chaos.  Find your rhythm.  The moon never misses a beat.  The seasons are ever flowing in there harmony of growth and decay, north and south, the dark of winter and the green of spring.  I am here where I am.  I feel myself as I am.  I am.  I start from here and all flows.  All I have experienced and learned is alive in me.  I don’t have to rationalize and intellectualize.  I just act in the utmost conscious, present and detached manner. 


I do need discipline.  I will destroy myself without it, it seems.  All is in front of me.  Even preconceptions are fading.  Everything is becoming new.  Death must happen for growth to take hold.  What is going to die.  Everything DIES.  It is just one of those things.  Our ideas of good and bad that frame our existence really fuck things up. 


What good is planning?  It is useful to be prepared but one can easily over plan, over pack and over think.  One must be ever ready; ready to fully engage in the present moment.”

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - Gururattan Kaur Khalsa Ph.D

"Shakti the Serpent bids you "Sat Nam!" and welcome to Kundalini Yoga, an ancient technology sometimes referred to as the mother of all yogas, and arguably the most powerful and fast-acting yoga there is. As brought to the West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, it produces results up to 16 times faster than basic Hatha yoga!"

The Human Journey and the Soul:

"Our physical body is a gift to our soul. Our soul is given the opportunity to experience the ecstasy of love in a physical body on planet earth. Our body is exquisitely designed to be an instrument to tune us into higher frequencies of love which aligns us with the essence of our soul. These higher frequencies take us closer to God and to oneness with all beings. When properly attuned, our body is our vehicle to consciously experience and communicate with universal energies and our soul."

Anusara Yoga

by: John Friend


Desi Springer & Micah Springer

"The history of the Bowspring system began in 2012 as a rebellious choice by Desi Springer to lift her tailbone in every dynamic posture throughout her day! In her first 14 years of yoga classes, Desi was instructed to tuck, scoop, and draw her hips and tailbone downward to improve her posture by every teacher she encountered. Her unusually deep lower back curve was widely considered excessive and a misalignment that would lead to painful spinal compression and degeneration. Although Desi tried her best to follow the alignment instructions to not excessively curve her lower back, she had a deep curve in her lower back all her life. Despite her best efforts, Desi could never flatten her lower back like her yoga teachers wanted her to do. Furthermore, the downward direction of the tail always felt contrary to her natural flow. Finally, in the Summer of 2012, Desi boldly announced to the teachers of Vital Yoga in Denver, she was going to follow her heart and not tuck her tailbone any more!"

Philosophy of Teaching & Alignment


BKS Iyengar Yoga 

“Iyengar Yoga, named after and developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, and described in his bestselling 1966 book Light on Yoga, is a form of yoga as exercise that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of yoga postures which directly lead to other forms such as Anusara Yoga”

AcroYoga Kadri Kurgan- Yoga Journal Author, Photographer, Surfer

(Yoga Journal China)

Yoga of Trust Daniel Scott/ Team

(Wanderlust Feature) 

Zen Thai Shiatsu Gwen, Richard

Methode Natruelle Comm. Georges Hebert. 

God Father of Modern Strength and Conditioning Principles: Fitness Trails, Children’s Adventure Playground, Military Obstacles Courses, le Parcour, Yamaks MovNat and the entire “Functional” fitness Industry

ADAPT Founders (Yamakasis)

Yann Hnuatra, Chau Belle, Laurent Piemontesi

Hatha Yoga - A system of physical postures, or asanas, whose higher purpose is to purify the body, giving one awareness and control over its internal states and rendering it fit for meditation.

Karma Yoga - Selfless service to others as part of one's larger Self, without attachment to the results; and the performance of all actions with the consciousness of God as the Doer.

Mantra Yoga- ceterning the consciousness within through Japa, or the repetition of certain universal root-word sounds representing a particular aspect of Spirit.

Bhakti Yoga - All-surrendering devotion through which ones strives to see and love the divinity in every creature and in everything, thus maintaining an unceasing worship.

Jnana Yoga - the path of wisdom, which emphasizes the application of descriminative intelligence to achieve spiritual liberation.

Raja Yoga - The royal or highest path of Yoga, formally systematized int he second centure B.C. by the Indian Sage Patanjali, which combines the essence of all the other paths.


Physical Poses: Tadasana (Mountain) Pose

High Lunge / Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Runner's Lunge

Low Lunge

Crescent Pose

Childs Pose - Balasana

Phalakasana - Plank Pose

Tabletop Pose – Bharmanasana

Sunbird - Chakravakasana

Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana

Your Instructor

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3442 S. ALAMEDA ST. CORPUS CHRISTI.    (512)676-7985 or (361) 884-2673

© 2025 by Leah Murray.


Corpus Christi, Texas 78480

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